3510 S 144th St. Gilbert, AZ 85297 Mon-Thurs 7am-5:30pm | Fri 7am-4pm | (480) 209-5405
Engine replacement or repair is one of the most expensive services you will ever need, regardless of the sort of car you drive. It's best to address any engine problems as soon as you suspect them. Some of the most common indications of engine trouble are listed below. When you need engine repair, turn to the professionals at Integrity Fleet Service in Gilbert, AZ.
A persistent knocking coming from under the hood is probably the result of an engine issue. Bearing wear is a common source of knocking. Once your car has been driven for 75,000 miles or the bearings haven't been properly greased, they will start to wear out. Bearings have an impact on all of the other components of your engine, therefore it's advisable to visit a mechanic before your engine breaks down.
You may find it harder and harder to generate power when accelerating if your car has been around for a while. You may have even detected a problem with idling. There are a number of causes for this problem, but a clogged part is to blame for the majority of them. A clogged fuel filter, fuel injector, or air filter may be the cause of a lack of power. These components stop working properly when they are clogged with dirt. Ineffective spark plugs or sensors as well as a dirty exhaust pipe can also contribute to poor engine output.
Your vehicle and the environment are at risk if your car is spewing out a lot of exhaust smoke. You can also determine what's wrong by looking at the hue of the smoke. While blue smoke frequently denotes an oil leak or other form of oil issue, white smoke typically implies cooling system or injector difficulties. Black smoke is sometimes an indicator of excessive fuel consumption in the engine.
Engine Repair and Replacement in Gilbert, AZ
Our engine mechanics at Integrity Fleet Service are skilled at diagnosing trouble using the latest computer-assisted scan tools combined with years of hands of experience. Whether you’ve noticed an oil leak, a decrease in performance or fuel efficiency, heard a strange noise, or have spotted the check engine light, we can solve your motoring woes. Give our local engine shop a call at (480) 209-5405 and we’ll schedule a time to check under your hood and let you know whether engine repair, engine replacement, or another service is necessary to get you back behind the wheel.